Engineering outsourcing services

Outsourcing is a methodology that many companies are using due to the evolution of markets towards a much more competitive environment. This methodology allows companies to delegate certain activities to specialized companies so that they can focus on other activities.


See our projects


At DINABI we offer you the opportunity to grow without risk and to outsource part of your work. Benefit from the specialization and experience of our professionals to obtain a higher quality service, in less time and without the need to continuously train internal company staff. We firmly believe in the value of human capital. We have qualified staff, with experience and involvement in each of the projects.

Our team is our main competitive advantage and we make it available to our clients. Assuming customers’ deadlines is one of our signs of identity. Each project is unique and we consider it our own.

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    Are you an engineer?
    If you want to improve yourself even more, you want to work on interesting projects and learn from different sectors
    We help you
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    Are you a company?
    Increase the competitiveness of your company leaving in expert hands those activities in which we can provide added value.
    We help you

Save resources
Optimize times

Increase the competitiveness of your company leaving in expert hands those activities in which we can provide added value
Flexibilidad de Personal - Dinabi
Personnel flexibility
Mejora del Rendimiento - Dinabi
Performance improvement
Optimización de Costes - Dinabi
Cost optimization
Técnicos Especialistas - Dinabi
Technical specialists
Desarrollo Estratégico - Dinabi
Strategic development
Projects of

Discover our Outsourcing projects

Testimonials on Outsourcing with DINABI

Collaborating companies

Ion BeorleguiSandra IrigoyenVanessa RodríguezClara LeachAlberto Lusarreta BaztánSergio Orce
"Working at DINABI allowed me to get to know the world of work for the first time, unlike studies it allows you to participate in the first person in the elaboration and development of very diverse projects, which makes learning go more and more."
Ion Beorlegui
Draftsman designer
“The opportunity to join DINABI allowed me to become part of a stable company with strong growth plans. It was a great opportunity, there was hope, desire and a lot of potential. And so it is still today! We are growing, opening ourselves to new markets, new projects, and it is exciting to see how the objectives are being achieved step by step! All this gives me the opportunity every day to continue learning and overcome new challenges, with each project, with each idea. Also, the flexibility I have is fantastic, I can dedicate the necessary time to both my work and my family and enjoy everything at all times! The management is very supportive and I enjoy working day by day with the team that we form. "
Sandra Irigoyen
Mechanical engineer
"Doing internships at DINABI has allowed me to expand my technical and organizational knowledge, has taught me to adapt and feel that my opinion is valued. In the time I have been here, I have been able to collaborate on different projects and be versatile ... Being part of the growth of a Navarre company gives great satisfaction "
Vanessa Rodríguez
International trade technician
"Working at DINABI has allowed me to get to know different types of companies from very diverse sectors. In addition to the learning and adaptability that this has brought me, it has meant that I have a global vision of the industrial panorama and, having been one of my first work experiences, has helped guide my professional career. "
Clara Leach
Industrial engineering
"Working at DINABI allowed me to be part of a different work philosophy than what I knew until now. Quickly, from minute one, I felt integrated into a family, whose human value is immense (they know and value it), with a clear and coherent project, where communication is full and constant; There is nothing better for projects to meet and exceed expectations, I take my hat off. But not everything ends there, too, continuous training is a constant at DINABI, to the point that challenges, mistakes and difficulties are overcome as a team, a solid and professional team that fills the company's trajectory with success. . My confidence in DINABI was, is, and will be, complete and absolute, I wish them a lot of success and I am very grateful to have been able to grow with them as a professional, but above all as a person. "
Alberto Lusarreta Baztán
Draftsman designer
"Being in an internship in Dinabi has helped me a lot when doing them. I have learned a lot from the professional life of a worker and to manage tasks in the most efficient way. I have learned different tasks that will serve me for a lifetime as a professional and They have supported me from the first moment. I have felt very comfortable and have been able to learn all the areas that my grade values. "
Sergio Orce
Management assistance


KOXKA - Javier Alzueta Lizoain -AMPO - Daniel Huerta -
"DINABI has given us the ability to respond and adapt quickly to business changes, reducing manufacturing and equipment costs; putting your human resources and technology in the key areas of our business. We look forward to continuing to count on DINABI in future projects."
KOXKA - Javier Alzueta Lizoain -
R&D and Industrialisation Manager (Navarra)
“Working with DINABI has allowed us to increase the capacity of our engineering at specific moments of high workload, avoiding fixed structural costs. DINABI has given us extra capacity in delineation work, allowing us to focus on other important aspects that without them we could not have addressed. The quality of the work and the relationship we have had with DINABI are pillars to entrust more projects to him in the future. ”
AMPO - Daniel Huerta -
Technological Services (Gipuzkoa)

Sectors for which we carry out Outsourcing


Automotive is a strategic sector in the economy and has become one of the fundamental pillars of the industry. Its dynamism and constant evolution make the level of automation and robotization ever higher, forcing companies in the sector to continuously carry out improvements in their production processes.


The growing demand, consequence of the great dynamism that the market demands, makes the aeronautical industry be considered as a wealth-generating sector, inducer of international cooperation and trade due to its tendency towards export.

Food Industry

The food and beverage industry in our country is the first sector in invoicing. Given the great competition in the sector, innovation in productive improvements and technological advances are its main driver of competitiveness.

Renewable Energies

The importance of the renewable energy sector has grown substantially and this trend is expected to continue in the future. The technological development associated with this sector has allowed it to be considered as one of the sectors with the greatest appeal due to its high potential.

Machine Tools

The machine tool industry is at the base of all modern industrial production, as it provides the most important sectors of the entire economy with productive means.

Other sectors

Our accumulated work experience in different sectors of the industry as demanding as those mentioned above, enables us to work in other areas.
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